
Productivity systems, tips and hacks for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Human Eyes to illustrate article about Deep Work vs Shallow Work.

Deep Work vs Shallow Work: A Crucial Step for a Productive Ogre

A reality exists that few people are aware of: the battle of deep work vs shallow work inside our minds. A scary truth: business conglomerates and media companies are auctioning for your attention right now. Each year, they invest billions in research. All of them aimed to find a method to catch your attention, even […]

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How can a virtual assistant help your business

How Can a Virtual Assistant Help Your Business

This article about how can a virtual assistant help your business is complemented by this article of The 5 Best Fiverr Gigs for New Entrepreneurs and Creators. During the 2020 lockdown, my two companies remained closed for months. Since I could not remain idle only waiting for the best, I applied the Talebian concept of Barbell

How Can a Virtual Assistant Help Your Business Read More »

Polish people reading at public transport - productive habits

4 Productive Habits Typical from Poles That You Can Adopt Tomorrow

What is Productivity? First, it is important to make clear what I mean by productivity. Let’s adopt the simplest definition: it is the output divided by time (or resources used). Productivity is, in this sense, analogous to the rate of production. A way to measure it is by GDP produced by every worked hour. On

4 Productive Habits Typical from Poles That You Can Adopt Tomorrow Read More »