Business Crisis management

Illustration for article about business pivot examples with a swiss army knife

Business Pivot Examples: The Curious Story of Victorinox

During the first week of this year, I spent some hours reading a book that touches on the subject of companies that went through massive business pivots. As an entrepreneur myself, after reading that book, I realized that one of my own businesses pivoted during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was this pivot that helped us […]

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Illustration of a group of people talking or training negotiation skills for business during a meeting.

Negotiation Skills for Business: The Greatest Tips from a Former FBI Negotiator

This article is just one of a series of business lessons (including negotiation skills for business) for entrepreneurs from legendary experts. For the next articles, remember to subscribe (for free!) to my list here. Listen to “Learning Negotiation Techniques with a Former FBI Agent – Isopraxism, Calibrated Questions and etc.” on Spreaker. Why negotiation skills for

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Lessons of leadership delegation by a US Navy Captain - Destroyer Cannon

Lessons from a NAVY Captain about the Delegation of Leadership.

One of the most effective tools for energizing your team is delegation of leadership.  Maybe it is the MOST powerful. Listen to “Sense of Ownership at Work – The Essential Lessons from a Destroyer Captain to Startup Founders” on Spreaker. And, while it may appear to be a simple concept, delegating well and effectively necessitates

Lessons from a NAVY Captain about the Delegation of Leadership. Read More »

Chess Game - Business Survival Strategies

The 5 Imperatives of All Business Survival Strategies

These 5 little words helped my business to survive the 2020/21 crisis. This is the first article of a series about Business Survival Strategies. To receive the next ones directly in your e-mail, subscribe to our list for free here. I have one word of encouragement for you if you’re a business owner in the travel

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Lebanon - nassim taleb antifragile - antifragility

Antifragility: A Taleb Concept To Help You During the Next Year

Antifragile by Taleb: How Things Gain from Disorder Listen to “How Nassim Nicholas Taleb Helped to Save My Business during the COVID Pandemic – Black Swan” on Spreaker. The phrase below (you will discover in a few paragraphs how it relates to Antifragility) was part of a dialogue between the author of Freakonomics, Stephen Dubner, and the

Antifragility: A Taleb Concept To Help You During the Next Year Read More »

Cartoon of aman jumping between rocks. Types of Business Risk

Types of Business Risk

Business Risk Assessments for Every Entrepreneur A simple but efficient way to assess the types of business risk is the Impact vs Likehood matrix. Often we learn it at business school, but later in our careers and projects, we forget it. Big mistake! This is an exceptional tool for entrepreneurs and managers when assessing uncontrollable

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How to Help a Small Businessv

How to Help a Small Business – 5 Reasons to Do It Now

Learning How to Help Small Business I have been thinking a lot about how to help a small business. To help this specific part of the population will trigger the recovery of everyone else. So here I list 5 reasons to help small businesses NOW. Not after the crisis or just when things got better,

How to Help a Small Business – 5 Reasons to Do It Now Read More »