Lessons from Entrepreneurs and CEOs

A Slum where people probably dress better than those who use Balenciaga Fully Destroyed clothes.

Balenciaga Fully Destroyed Collection: A Marketing Lesson

This article could also be named “How Rich Kids Can Spend $4935 to Look Like Crack Addicts”. It is a story about some Millenials buying whatever influencers tell them to buy. But it is also about a force than can be harnessed by YOUR business. Unless you’ve been living on an isolated Pacific island for the last […]

Balenciaga Fully Destroyed Collection: A Marketing Lesson Read More »

strategic alliances in business

The Ancient Romans Can Teach Us About Strategic Business Alliances

Caius Julius Cesar was one of history’s most skilled military leaders. The Roman consul, leader of all legions, and conqueror of Gaul will give us a lesson today. A lesson about strategic business alliances. A lesson that can benefit YOUR enterprise and career. Gaul was in the contemporary area that includes France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the

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Jeff Bezos Caricature - Books Recomended

Books Jeff Bezos Recommends (For ALL Aspiring Entrepreneurs)

Why make a list of the books Jeff Bezos recommends on a website for small business owners? Well, first because he was once a small business entrepreneur too. Second, because like most entrepreneurs, I bet you want to expand your business, and third, just as mega-investor Warren Buffett is known for reading hours a day,

Books Jeff Bezos Recommends (For ALL Aspiring Entrepreneurs) Read More »

Lessons of leadership delegation by a US Navy Captain - Destroyer Cannon

Lessons from a NAVY Captain about the Delegation of Leadership.

One of the most effective tools for energizing your team is delegation of leadership.  Maybe it is the MOST powerful. Listen to “Sense of Ownership at Work – The Essential Lessons from a Destroyer Captain to Startup Founders” on Spreaker. And, while it may appear to be a simple concept, delegating well and effectively necessitates

Lessons from a NAVY Captain about the Delegation of Leadership. Read More »

First business lessons for entrepreneurs: Open the black box of your business.

8 Time-Tested Business Lessons for Entrepreneurs from a Legendary CEO

This article is just the first of a series with business lessons for entrepreneurs from legendary CEOs and founders. For the next articles, remember to subscribe (for free!) to my list here. Listen to “9 Business Lessons for Entrepreneurs from a Legendary CEO” on Spreaker. If you are reading this on a computer, there is

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what is the best age to start a business

What Is the Best Age to Start a Business? The Answer from a Billionaire

Before jumping on the straight answer about the best age to start a business, some context. Once I saw a CEO from a prestigious technology firm complaining how young professionals unrealistically expect dizzying ascents up the corporate ladder at the start of their careers.  These are folks who have received two or three promotions in

What Is the Best Age to Start a Business? The Answer from a Billionaire Read More »

Lebanon - nassim taleb antifragile - antifragility

Antifragility: A Taleb Concept To Help You During the Next Year

Antifragile by Taleb: How Things Gain from Disorder Listen to “How Nassim Nicholas Taleb Helped to Save My Business during the COVID Pandemic – Black Swan” on Spreaker. The phrase below (you will discover in a few paragraphs how it relates to Antifragility) was part of a dialogue between the author of Freakonomics, Stephen Dubner, and the

Antifragility: A Taleb Concept To Help You During the Next Year Read More »

Businesses Started with Little Money. An Aquarius console from Mattel.

5 Incredibly Successful Businesses Started with Little Money

We live in an era where startups that barely created their first prototypes are already pitching for millionaire funds from angel investors and venture capital firms. But there are still several heroic examples of successful businesses started with little money, funded by the founder’s own savings, and operating during months — or even years — bootstrapping finances to make

5 Incredibly Successful Businesses Started with Little Money Read More »

Strategic Interview Questions to Ask Candidates

5 Strategic Interview Questions to Ask Candidates

This article about strategic interview questions to ask candidates is part of a series intended to help new business founders. Check the others here. One of the greatest pieces of professional advice I ever heard — from my father and also from the interviews of the billionaire Jack Ma — is to not have an enterprise as your first job.

5 Strategic Interview Questions to Ask Candidates Read More »

incerto skin in the game from Nassim Taleb

Incerto’s Skin in the Game – 3 Lessons from Nassim Taleb

My first contact with Nassim Taleb was more than 10 years ago. I was still a junior stockbroker in Brazil. From there, things changed — I moved 16 times to 4 different countries, changed jobs, and opened my first (and then second) business. I also continued reading whatever I could from the Lebanese dilletante, including his Incerto

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